Here at Parkinsons.me we are always looking for enticing ways to encourage readers to increase antioxidants in their diet. This week we are sharing with you our three favourite festive fruity treats. These are great fun to make with children or to serve as a healthy Christmas time dessert.
Fruity Christmas tree
To make a fruity Christmas tree you will need …
Lots of fruit & cocktail sticks!!! A foam cone (available from craft shops) Simply add combinations of fruit to the cocktails sticks then poke the fruit filled cocktail sticks into the foam cone. Berries, grapes and phyllis’ work well whole, while larger fruits such as kiwis and melon will need to be cut. The larger fruit looks particularly good cut using different shaped cutters. For the trees to look their best there should be no gaps – this does take a surprising amount of cocktail sticks!
Strawberry Santa’s
To make your Strawberry Santa’s you will need …
Strawberries Thick creme fraiche Black mustard seeds Remove the green stalk from the strawberry then slice through the strawberry about ⅓ of the way down. This makes the hat and the body. Place the body on a plate and add a small teaspoon of creme fraiche on top. On top of creme fraiche gently place the remaining ⅓ of the strawberry. Using the end of a teaspoon dap a little creme fraiche on the tip of the hat. Place 2 mustard seeds as eyes.
(Alternatively you can use a slice of banana instead of creme fraiche)
Fruity Santa’s
To make fruity santas you will need …
Green grapes Strawberries Bananas Mini marshmallows Cocktail sticks
To start slice the base off of the strawberries and thickly slice the bananas. To compile take a cocktail stick and place a small marshmallow on the top. From the other end of the cocktail stick feed through a strawberry (pointed end to meet the marshmallow), then a slice of banana and finally a grape.
Send us photos of your creations, we would love to see them!