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Community garden - daily update

Community garden – Daily update

Thursday 24 March 2016

Weather – Cloudy & Rain in the afternoon

Not much achieved yesterday due to rain and Bartie running off with next doors Boxer dog. Long story but T found them several miles away happily ‘boxing’ in a field 🙂

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Weather – Overcast Low 4c High 11c

Preparations continue, grass cutting, strimming and plenty of digging … Bartie kept me company of course, chased the neighbourhood cat and watched the world go by. When I say the world go by I need to explain that downtown West Lockinge is extremely rural. The highlight of our day was two race Horses leaning over the fence to say hello and a Wren flying by.

Digging for an hour is extremely good exercise and is very satisfying. Leaning on the fork looking back after turning the soil over gives a great sense of achievement.

Uncovering this perennial Sorrel was a real treat today and will make a great addition to a seasonal salad.


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